Anti-Aging in Oak Ridge, TN

Aging is a natural and gradual process that brings changes to the skin, such as wrinkles and loss of elasticity. At Shea Aesthetic Clinic, we offer a range of treatments for patients in Oak Ridge, Knoxville, and the surrounding areas that address these specific concerns and more. When you come to us for anti-aging solutions, you will be taking advantage of 75 years of combined experience in aesthetics and anti-aging.

Our approach integrates patient education with a level of compassion and integrity that isn’t found in many other clinics. With each of our anti-aging solutions, we enhance your beauty through aesthetic treatments while also embodying the belief that the truest beauty is found in the way we treat each other. We look forward to finding the anti-aging protocol that will bring out your own natural radiance.

Your Skin and the Aging Process

As we age, our skin loses elasticity because of the diminished production of collagen and elastin. This results in sagging skin, wrinkles, and skin that feels thinner and less firm. Skin tone also becomes less even and often adopts a dull appearance with more dark spots and more pronounced textural concerns as time goes on. Large pores, rough textured skin from past acne breakouts, and dry skin are also common in aging skin.

The appearance of aging is also compounded by a loss of the natural fat pads in your face and a lack of moisture. Loss of volume causes the face to appear more hollow or tired. The anti-aging treatments we offer to our Oak Ridge and Knoxville patients resolve these common concerns through skin tightening, skin resurfacing, and volume restoration.

Before and After

Skin Tightening Treatments

Micro-coring w/ ellacor

Ellacor is a revolutionary new treatment that can remove up to 8% of skin in one treatment w/ no surgery required. Oftentimes the first sign of aging is loose skin usually from the loss of collagen and elastin. Shea Aesthetic Clinic in Oak Ridge can now boost those collagen and elastin levels in the skin while removing skin with ellacor. This treatment uses hollow needles to remove hundreds of tiny plugs of skin. This results in an improved appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles without scarring. It also resurfaces the skin which can improve the appearance of acne scars as well as surgery scars and stretch marks.


Morpheus8 is an anti-aging treatment that targets the deeper layers of skin to rejuvenate and remodel it. Using microneedling combined with radiofrequency (RF) energy, Morpheus8 stimulates collagen production to tighten and smooth the skin. It is often used on the face and neck but is just as effectively applied to other areas, including the abdomen or thighs. While you may be able to see some skin tightening benefits right away, the full effects take several weeks as your skin produces more collagen. With Morpheus8, we enhance the natural beauty of our Knoxville area patients in one to three sessions.

EvolveX Tite

EvolveX Tite is an RF skin tightening treatment that sculpts and refines the body’s contours. This treatment from the EvolveX platform delivers radiofrequency energy, which heats the underlying layers of skin and encourages new collagen and elastin formation. This device is used on various body parts, including the arms, abdomen, and thighs. Benefits include a more defined and toned appearance, and our patients see results after a few sessions spaced over four to eight weeks. Results are long-lasting and improve each time you come in.

EvolveX Transform

EvolveX Transform from the EvolveX platform offers comprehensive skin tightening and toning for our Knoxville and Oak Ridge patients. This device harnesses radiofrequency energy and electromagnetic pulses to reduce fat, build muscle, and tighten skin. It’s suitable for use on areas like the abdomen, buttocks, and legs where our patients benefit from improved body contours and firmer skin. These visible results emerge after several treatments, which we recommend spreading out over several weeks.


Exilis is an RF skin tightening solution that delivers focused ultrasound and radiofrequency energy to the face and body. This method reduces fat layers and tightens skin by heating the dermal layers to stimulate collagen production. It minimizes wrinkles and tightens skin with initial results visible after two or three sessions. Patients often benefit from four to six treatments for each area that they want to treat.


Forma is another non-invasive skin tightening method that uses radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen formation in the skin’s deeper layers. This treatment offers precise heating that brings the temperature of the tissues up to 109°F. This temperature is high enough to cause a healing reaction in your body, which results in smoother skin over time. We use it for areas on the face that are prone to sagging and wrinkles, such as around the eyes, on the forehead, or along the jawline. It is also used on the abdomen, knees, thighs, and other areas of the body. Treatments are performed once a week for several weeks until you are happy with your results.

Skin Resurfacing Treatments

Intense Pulsed Light Treatments

Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments use light energy to rejuvenate the skin, targeting issues like rosacea, acne, and hyperpigmentation. It works by specifically targeting red and brown coloration, stimulating collagen and elastin production, and promoting cellular renewal. IPL is effective at improving skin texture and age-related changes on the face, neck, chest, and hands.

Our patients in Oak Ridge can expect to see sun spots begin to flake off within a few days of treatment with other textural improvements noticeable in the following weeks. Typically, a series of sessions are advised for best results, and post-treatment care is important for protecting sensitive skin.

LaseMD Ultra

The LaseMD Ultra uses fractional non-ablative laser technology for skin resurfacing to treat sun damage, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and signs of aging. By breaking down damaged skin cells and enhancing collagen production, it promotes healthier, more vibrant skin. This treatment is suitable for the face and neck, where it enhances overall skin tone and texture.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels use special solutions to remove the skin’s upper layers, revealing fresher, more youthful skin. These anti-aging treatments address common concerns such as acne, aging signs, and uneven skin tone by increasing collagen production, exfoliating dead and damaged skin cells, and speeding up cell renewal.

Suitable for the face and other affected areas, chemical peels provide results that improve over time as the skin heals. We offer our Knoxville and Oak Ridge patients VI Peels and SkinMedica® peels, each of which comes with different treatment strengths and focuses. Depending on your skin’s condition, we will recommend a single treatment or a course of several treatments.


Microneedling is an anti-aging technique aimed at rejuvenating the skin. During the treatment, we put microchannels in the skin with a needle device to enhance collagen and elastin production and resurface the skin. Microneedling reduces fine lines, scars, and dark spots on the face and neck, and results are even more noticeable after several treatments. Regular microneedling treatments are a beneficial way to boost your skincare routine.


Dermaplaning gently removes the top layer of skin, addressing dull complexion, uneven skin tone, and texture. By eliminating fine hair and skin debris with a surgical steel scalpel, it reveals a brighter, smoother complexion. This anti-aging facial treatment requires no downtime, with results immediately noticeable, and it can stand alone or complement other treatments for enhanced effects.

Combination Treatments

The best skin resurfacing results are achieved by combining the right treatments and following up with maintenance sessions. We recommend a series of three or four combination treatments that include ellacor, Morpheus8, microneedling, IPL, Ultra Laser, and chemical peels. After the initial rejuvenation strategy, at least one of these treatments twice a year plus a customized skincare routine will maintain your anti-aging results.

Volume Loss Treatments

Allergan Fillers

Allergan fillers from the JUVÉDERM® collection provide effective solutions for volume loss. These hyaluronic acid-based fillers restore volume to the face, smooth lines, and provide a natural, youthful appearance. They are specially formulated for different areas and concerns:

  • JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC targets the cheek area to enhance volume and contour.
  • JUVÉDERM VOLLURE® XC smooths moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds.
  • JUVÉDERM ULTRA PLUS XC is used for deeper facial wrinkles and volumizing.
  • JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC adds subtle volume to lips and softens vertical lip lines.
  • JUVÉDERM VOLUX® XC sculpts and defines the jawline.
  • JUVÉDERM ULTRA XC enhances lip volume and corrects perioral lines.

Patients will see immediate results after treatment, with effects lasting from one to two years, depending on the product used and the individual’s metabolism.

The RHA® Collection

The RHA Collection offers the latest advancements in hyaluronic acid fillers and is designed specifically for dynamic areas of the face. These fillers adapt to facial movements, providing a more natural look while smiling, frowning, or speaking. The collection includes:

  • RHA 2 for moderate wrinkles and lip augmentation
  • RHA 3 for deeper wrinkles and nasolabial folds
  • RHA 4 for volumizing and contouring facial areas
  • RHA Redensity for lipstick lines and a lighter touch

Ideal for those seeking subtle enhancements, the RHA Collection delivers results that maintain natural facial expressions. Results last 12 to 15 months.

PRP Injections

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections are Biofillers offered by our anti-aging clinic in Oak Ridge. This type of injection harnesses the body’s healing properties to rejuvenate the skin and address volume loss. We will extract the patient’s own PRP and inject it into targeted areas of the face to stimulate collagen production and cell regeneration. PRP is particularly effective for improving skin texture, tone, and volume and offers long-lasting results.

Our Platinum Hydrafacial With Lymphatic Drainage

The Platinum Hydrafacial with lymphatic drainage is an anti-aging treatment that detoxifies, rejuvenates, and protects the skin. This multi-step treatment cleanses, exfoliates, and extracts impurities while replenishing the skin with vital nutrients, including antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid. The added lymphatic drainage technique reduces puffiness and improves circulation for a clearer, more vibrant complexion. The results are immediate and noticeable, and the treatment is often used regularly to address signs of aging and promote long-term skin health.

Skin Care Products

  • Skinbetter Science®: Targeted at addressing visible signs of aging, skinbetter science products merge cutting-edge science with intensive research to formulate effective skincare solutions. They are renowned for their ability to improve skin texture and tone.
  • SkinCeuticals®: Dedicated to providing advanced skincare backed by science, SkinCeuticals products prevent future skin damage, protect healthy skin, and correct previous damage, positioning them at the forefront of anti-aging skincare.
  • SkinMedica®: A leader in the professional skincare industry, SkinMedica offers a comprehensive line of products to improve skin appearance and health, addressing the effects of aging with scientifically proven ingredients.
  • Revision Skincare®: Known for pioneering high-quality, innovative skincare products, Revision focuses on crafting solutions that target signs of aging, delivering effective outcomes in anti-aging skincare with a focus on long-term skin health.

Age Gracefully With Our Anti-Aging Treatments in Oak Ridge

Addressing anti-aging concerns effectively requires knowledge, experience, and the right set of treatments, all of which are provided by Shea Aesthetic Clinic. Located in Oak Ridge, TN, we offer an array of anti-aging services and products to rejuvenate skin and restore youthful vitality. With over 75 years of combined experience in aesthetics, we bring expertise and care to each patient, helping them to receive the best possible outcomes. If you’re ready to explore your anti-aging options, please fill out our online form or call us at (865) 294-4114 to schedule a consultation.